Friday, 28 December 2018

Aquaman More

Superman came from space; Aquaman's mother from the sea. A hybrid should be sterile which means no heir.

The conflict in Aquaman manages to be about issues:

land and sea;
personal loyalties versus social obligations.

Where is Earth's Core? Is it ERB's? Are the absurdities part of what makes the film good? I would not go that far. Alan Moore, Neil Gaiman and Frank Miller transcended comic book absurdities.

There are good DC continuity references to Galaxy Broadcasting and Coast City. There has been no Green Lantern in this movieverse yet although there have been intimations.

What more appropriate meeting place for a surface dweller and an amphibian than a lighthouse?

The Atlanteans are like an anthropomorphized environment striking back but does their undersea technology pollute?

Thursday, 27 December 2018


The Atlanteans have to divide into both bipedal and fish-tailed merfolk so that both Aquaman and Lori Lemaris can exist.

The DC movieverse has had:

three single hero films
Wonder Woman

two team films
Suicide Squad
Justice League

one team-up film
Superman and Batman, guest starring Wonder Woman

Other heroes also cameo - in Batman-Superman and Suicide Squad?

Do I want to see Shazam?