Saturday 27 April 2019

Avengers: Endgame

An ultimate feel good film. Also, an ultimate snatching victory from the jaws of apparent defeat film.

A serious attempt is made to avoid time travel contradictions. However, if the stones had to be returned to the moments from which they had been taken, then surely the same should apply to Thanos? And his memory of his trip through time should have been erased?

I had to run in and out during the credits so I do not know whether there was a mid-credits scene but will ask. It was good to sit till the end of the credits even though there was no post-credits scene. All those people deserve to have their names seen and some of the information is interesting.

Clint loses Natasha but gets his family back. Contrast this with what happens to these characters in The Ultimates. (Scroll down.)

It feels like the interminable movieverse finally went somewhere. It had legs. We now know who we will not see again.

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