Tuesday 19 March 2019

Five Cessations Of Publication

(i) Fawcett Comics Captain Marvel.

(ii) Mick Anglo's Marvelman.

(iii) Warrior magazine with Alan Moore's Marvelman and V.

(iv) Eclipse Comics where Marvelman had been renamed Miracleman and Alan Moore had completed his story but Neil Gaiman had not yet completed his sequel.

(v) Marvel Comics Miracleman reprints.

Still to be completed: Gaiman's Miracleman.

Alan Moore's Miracleman is complete. Miracleman remembers being Marvelman who was an imitation of Captain Marvel who was an imitation of Superman.

Moore wrote happy endings for Superman and Swamp Thing and ambiguous endings for Miracleman, Watchmen and V who is a masked avenger. The others are superheroes. (Moore super-powered a swamp monster.)

1 comment:

  1. Kaor, Paul!

    I fear, even as a boy, I was not much interested in the Super Hero comics. Again, it shows what low tastes I had in humor, but it was Walt Disney's Donald Duck and his Uncle Scrooge McDuck comics which I liked!

